Real Estate

Enhancing safety and security at construction sites for a leading property investment and management company with Computer Vision technology

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One of the world's largest property investment, management, and development groups wanted to improve construction site safety and security, ensuring fewer accidents, better situational awareness, and higher compliance. Video-only solutions proved to be limiting, with high human dependency, low reliability, and high false positives. Their existing solution was good for post-event analysis but lacked the necessary real-time capability to prevent safety and security incidents. Also, the construction sites are dynamic and not conducive to advanced technologies.


The pre-trained solution detected and tracked human position and movement in real-time, dealing with occlusion and preventing collisions by alerting equipment handlers and sounding proximity alarm. Virtual boundaries can be now drawn to mark restricted areas to ensure compliance in the use of hard hats, and orange jackets, including people counting and tracking. Enhanced perimeter security alerts security personnel of unauthorized access with edge processing. The solution processes all videos in real-time and issues warnings and alerts to events that meet the threshold, while any new event can be reviewed by humans and used for retraining the models.


Real-time, cost-effective solution to improve safety and security materially using any IP camera
Accuracy and capability improve with more data and user inputs
Easy to implement on any location with edge servers